Saturday, September 22, 2007

fun ideas

I think a really fun thing to do is lick radiators. It's hard to jump up though cause they are full of wholes and sometimes my paws land in a one and I start to fall. So I have to scramble up, but then when I get there it's fun. You can lick radiators for ages and they still taste good. Sometimes I lick for so long I forget and fall asleep. But what could be better then waking up on a radiator? Plus, you can lick it some more without having to jump up again, which saves time! If you don't have a radiator, other things I recommend licking are:

-Mommy's hands
-Sergeant Kitty (my big sister)

If you like to chew things, I suggest paper towels. The mommies don't really like it so much, Other Mommy grumbles and Mommy pretends not to notice.

Kitty and I have been busy finding new things to do lately cause Mommy has been gone a lot. I mean, I know I'm not a kitten anymore, but it hasn't been easy. A girl can only nap so long without being petted. Right?

Does anyone ever wonder where they go? I keep trying to get out of the door and see but they always catch me and bring me back in. Kitty says that it's natural to have some curiosity, but she wouldn't risk it. What if there is no food on the other side of the door? Kitty worries about food a lot. She says I should go and sometimes eats my neck to prove the point. I think it's cause she hates to share the food bowl. I usually have to eat at night when she's already gone to bed. I think she'd miss me though.

I wish we had marshmallows. : (

I think I might have just fallen asleep, but I can't remember.

1 comment:

avgodro! said...

i know where they go. they go out to find us more food. my caretaker always manages to sneak it past me when he comes home, though. i wait by the door and never see my food, so i think he stows it in his pockets or something.